From full Virtual Conferences to smaller Webinars. Our platform is scaleable to fit your needs.


Free Consultation

Don’t take our word for it. Schedule a demo and see it in action! 

We care about Your Event!

Our Focus is on the success of your event. We understand that virtual event world can be complicated and we have put together multiple easy to understand options. We look forward to meeting with you and making your event a success. 

SM Team

Features to start

SmoothMeeting Webinar

For Smaller Events

Need short paragraph and list example events below

SmoothMeeting Full Platform

For Full Size Events

Need short paragraph and list example events below

Our staff have been Audio Visual professionals our entire careers. When Covid struck and live events went away, we jumped to actions. Durning this process we have used or seen almost every platform available and noticed that there is not one that will do almost everything… So we off we went looking for the solutions for you are clients. From that adventure comes! 

Next we noticed that the support for most platforms was not up to par especially in the Audio Visual Department. Someone can sell you an airplane but what good is it if you cant fly? So, we decided that support for both platform and Audio Visual MUST be on every event!

We are excited to par of the Virtual Conference birth and equally excited to provide you with a SmoothMeeting! 

Our story

About the brand